
Below is a selection of current and past news stories about NSADR. For more information on any of these news items or events, please contact us here.

NSADR on Tour! What a fantastic day at The Carding Shed in Holmfirth, which both riders and drivers of our group enjoyed. A big thanks to Neil Theobald for organising the event. The roads were amazing!

NSADR at the Biker Breakfast held at Tittesworth Reservoir, we experienced a showery day—perfect weather for ducks! Despite the rain, we had a great turnout and generated significant interest.

NSADR volunteers attended the Port Vale Biker Breakfast. Despite the windy conditions, our stand attracted a lot of interest!

Summary minutes of the 58th Annual General Meeting (AGM), held Thursday 8th February 2024. Can be found here.

Our E-Niro Test

Our E-Soul Test

Our partnership with Ken Jervis has provided us with the opportunity to try out not just 1 but 2 of the latest all electric offerings from KIA. Electric vehicles look to be the future for the majority of people so we at NSADR took the chance to get to know a bit more about them. We wrote a review for each vehicle which we have provided to Ken Jervis & we have been feature in their latest in-house magazine. The article can be found here.